The Old Stones Exhibition March 2022

My friend Tony Galuidi asked me if I’d be interested in a joint exhibition, I agreed and here it is. If you like big old prehistoric stones and you happen to find yourself in Cumbria, pop in and have a look.

10 thoughts on “The Old Stones Exhibition March 2022

    1. Cheers Andy, thanks mate. The show is supposed to be called The Old Stones of the North, I don’t know why it was shortened. As you know I’m a fan of the book, I’ll mention your suggestion when I get over there.

  1. Great exhibition. I wanted to buy Clifton Standing Stones and was happy to wait until the exhibition closes but sadly having it shipped within the UK became an issue. Fingers crossed I’ll make it to your next exhibition. Love the contemporary interpretation

    1. Hi and thanks, it’s always nice to receive positive feedback so I’m really glad to hear that enjoyed the exhibition.
      Regarding the sale of pictures, that is out of my hands and is managed by the gallery.

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